02 Jul 3 things to like about school holidays
The school holidays are here and as per each school holidays, I look forward to it with an equal amount of terror and enjoyment so much so I thought I’d sit down and review what I like most.
I work from home and I have a two-year-old I’m lucky enough not to have to ‘go into work’ but it does mean that during school holidays not much ‘work’ gets done unless I have the energy to do it when they’re asleep or watching movies!
While it’s the kids getting a break, I like to think of it as a little mini-break for me too where you get to take the pressure off yourself.
3 Things to like about school holidays
- No routine or a different routine – when you don’t have to have three children out of bed by 6.30 to get to school by 8.30am it’s nice to cruise into the day
- Some time off work (maybe)* – It’s like a forced vacation. Three kids to entertain = reduced or no workload.
- School holiday meals – I’m excited to say very few meals contain vegetables get eaten during school holidays and lots of non-resistance meals get made. So my ears aren’t hurting with the cry of ‘we don’t like it.’
*If you are lucky or unlucky as the case may be!