Preschool teacher breaks up with class

It’s sad but true, Mr 2’s Preschool teacher, the cool dude who wears shorts, beanies and a lazy smile is breaking up with us.

Okay maybe he’s not breaking up with us but he is leaving and we want to say thanks.

What do you buy a 20 something, guy preschool teacher?

Nope.  I couldn’t figure it out either.

I knew that alcohol wasn’t the answer, although for a man who worked with 30 plus kids a day, I’d say he deserved it.  But no I knew there was something better.

So I did what all good mothers do. I got on facebook and asked for my friends and families suggestions on what to get him.

My father-in-law Lloyd said, good bless him, a cane to help him cope. Sister-in-law Karla, herself a teacher for many years said Valium. I figured she would know so off I went to buy some. No, just kidding. I kept polling.

Other entertaining suggestions along the Valium line were chill pills, nuts and a nut cracker (he’s nuts?) and earplugs.

Here are the other great and sometimes dubious top 17 present suggestions that you all came up with:

17 perfect (?) presents for a male preschool teacher

  1. Good book
  2. Chill pills
  3. voucher
  4. T-Shirt from Wollongong’s own Brands Deluxe
  5. Rebel sport or other sport shop voucher
  6. Valium
  7. Australian Geographic voucher
  8. JB HiFi voucher
  9. Movie voucher
  10. Cane
  11. Favourite restaurant/cafe voucher
  12. Dymocks voucher
  13. itunes voucher
  14. Red balloon experience voucher
  15. Lego
  16. Amazon voucher
  17. Travel coffee cup like my favs from

So I bet you’re all dying to know what we ended up getting him?

Well, a little birdie told us energy drinks and pizza are two of his favourite things. So we make up a pack with both (no of course not actual pizza).

But for future reference alcohol sounds like a great gift solution for mere mortal mothers of two 🙂

What’s your solution to the perfect gift?


