Ready, set, move house again!

View from Blue Mountain, Middlemount, QLD, Australia

View from Blue Mountain, Middlemount, QLD, Australia

You wouldn’t read about…oh no wait you are …. we’re moving again.

Yep you read that right. Moving. Moving to Middlemount, about 175klms down the central Queensland road.

MWL said I should call this post OMFG we’re moving again but it didn’t grab me.

I probably would have called it that about a month ago when it started to become blatantly obvious that another move was on the cards, in fact I probably would have called it more than that and very loudly too.

Originally MWL’s was going to be working across a couple of mine sites/towns one of which was Moranbah, but one fine and sunny morning that all changed and guess what? Yep, his job changed and so has did where he works and that workplace is not Moranbah!

So for the first time since we were engaged MWL has become a quasi DIDO (drive in drive out mine worker), spending around three nights a week staying closer to where he works and coming home on the weekends. It took some getting used to for me and the kids. Mstr RPW hasn’t taken well to it either and when he’s tired and cranky and crying (or stomping his feet, because he’s got attitude now) ‘I want my dad’ my and the little boys get a little bit over it.

I seriously don’t know how all those FIFO/DIDO mums do it. It took a lot of adjusting for me to be solo parent most weekdays. Actually I do know how you do it, you have to be really organised and accept what is instead of fighting against it, which I probably did for the first month!
Ahhh (Agggh?) the challenges of change.

Probably, maybe, eventually, we could be back here, but right now we choose to all be together, instead of sort of DIDOing between Moranbah and Middlemount.
The thought of moving again in less than six months, to a smaller mining town and starting again, again was not that appealing in the beginning but now I can’t wait.
Our family will be together, we’ll meet more new friends and we’ll get to become part of the tight knit fabric of a small community (around 4,000) where life is pretty safe, relaxed and cruisy.

And so like Rocky Balboa I’m psyching myself up for the eighth move since I met MWL. It will be another four weeks of my life that I’ll never get back. On the bright side I’m getting great at culling stuff that we don’t need and my system for unpacking will cutting edge by the time we get to house move number 10!l
So when you do read about us again, hopefully it won’t be about house move number nine, at least not for six months!

PS – Here is a line from my original draft of what you’ve just read, even though I chopped out a lot I couldn’t part with this line!
The heart protects itself from the things the brain knows to be true.

PPS- my titles are crap, if you can suggest a better one for this post, please let me know!

Image supplied and copywright by me unless otherwise mentioned.