yoga Tag

Every week there are millions of pieces of new information shared on line and in print, here are 5 things you might have missed last week. You might have noticed (and then again maybe you didn't) that last week I posted #10 in this series.  But missed...

Every week there are millions of pieces of new information shared on line and in print, here are 5 things you might have missed last week. Do you own land, your back yard or another outdoor space?  You do? Head to home-camp and you can be linked up with...

I’m sitting crossed legged in sukhasana and all of a sudden I realise I’m about to start crying on my yoga mat.  I move into child’s pose and the sniffles come. I move back into down faced dog and the kind of muffled gulps of what...

Like many of my passions,  my third passion yoga, came into my life right when it was supposed to and just when it was needed most.  Which is to say just before I came to the realisation that I am prone to over thinking and...