Tea of the Day … Gorgeous Geisha

I’m not a fan of green tea.I don’t mind decaf green tea with flavour in it (especially Tetley’s decaf green tea with pomegranate) but full strength green tea usually sends me buzzing and it’s got a bitter taste I just can’t warm too. My second tea trial was T2 Gorgeous Geisha, also a green tea but one with a difference.

Gorgeouse Geisha is a green tea with strawberry flavour added to it. This seems to take the edge of the bitterness and made it quite drinkable. This time round I road tested my new tea at breakfast (instead of mid-morning) so it was a nice kick start/cleanse to get me feeling healthy.

Green tea is said to have weight loss capabilities, well I don’t know about that, but I do know that it made me feel healthier and got me out for a run! Maybe its that placebo effect that helps you to loose the weight!

Rating…3 Teabags
