passions Tag

Twenty-five years ago, eight year old Pete and his six year old brother Mick Ireland sailed onto the Capricorn coast with their mum, dad, four brothers and sisters on the way to Lizard Island. This week they revisited the journey on their own boat Balamara...

The blog reno - Part 2 The second most important part of redesigning your blog, after choosing a graphic designer, is the low down on what kind of design you’re after and what outcome you want from the redesign. Are you trying to increase sales? Increase...

The blog reno - Part 1 [caption id="attachment_2004" align="alignright" width="300"] Interiors, clothing and graphic design[/caption] That's not Nicky you say and you are right, it's Shae Irwin of Red Copper Blonde.  She is an agent of change...

I arrive for my adventure challenge and I'm greeted by Trek training leader Jo Vartanian.  I'm not sure I'm up for the challenge. It's cold, a little bit wet and that Point looks like a mountain from here. Then I meet the other Wild Women on...

Every week there are millions of pieces of new information shared on line and in print, here are 5 things you might have missed last week. Wolfpack, a movie/documentary about seven kids raised and home schooled in a New York city apartment they barely left  was on in the Sydney...

Every week there are millions of pieces of new information shared on line and in print, here are 5 things you might have missed last week. The Mindfulness Colouring book is currently one of the biggest selling books in Australia.  I know this because I had to...

I love my daily cup of coffee, preferably while I'm out and about.  It's my one little treat each day. Beanhunter have just released their take on Australia's top 100 Cafe's for 2014.  Sadly none made it in for my home town of Thirroul but their are...

I lost my voice for two years. Not the words but my voice. Come to think of it when I started blogging I wasn't really sure what my voice was at all.  I just thought had to start writing, I had to start somewhere and the rest would...

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics I'm one of only 50% of adult australians who does or can read more than a basic form. I think that's scary and more than a little bit sad. Australia, the lucky country, where education is in abundance and free...

I'm no postcard uni student.  Studying is driving me crazy, nuts in fact.  I'll be 42 0r 43 before I finish and I think about quitting every day. I've been studying by distance on and off for the last seven and a half years.  I'm...